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Nakul Joshi’s Avatar

Nakul Joshi

Software Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Charlotte, North Carolina
5 Answers
13186 Reads
52 Karma

Active Locations

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina May 22, 2019 2554 views

What do you like most about your career?


Archit’s Avatar
Archit Apr 22, 2019 7229 views

Want to study Cloud Computing, don't know where to start from?

I want to study Cloud Computing and develop it as a career afterwards, but the main obstacle I come across is from where I should start, I've searched on google and quora but most of the answers are related to data science or AWS. It's very confusing as I cannot understand what I want to do in...

Jean’s Avatar
Jean Jun 19, 2020 1302 views

Does being a electrical Engineerer pay good money


Katherine’s Avatar
Katherine May 13, 2016 1693 views

Can I get a job without any prior work experience?

I'm looking for a job. #jobs #resume

Ana’s Avatar
Ana Jun 19, 2020 1624 views

How do you organize your time between your job and personal life?
