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Bowen Wang’s Avatar

Bowen Wang

Software Development
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Fremont, California
5 Answers
7521 Reads
11 Karma

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Niah’s Avatar
Niah Nov 07, 2017 1054 views

How do I become director

sorry the one I give you was a mistake, so same like my past and dream. #director #motion-pictures-and-film #film #film-production

Kember’s Avatar
Kember Jan 16, 2018 952 views

Is going into Film Production at a 4-year university worth it?

I will complete a two year film program after I graduate high school and will be Adobe certified. Is it worth going to college in this field when I already have a certification? #video-production

Denise’s Avatar
Denise Jun 18, 2020 1475 views

How can technology affect your career in the future?

#technology #tech

Aniya’s Avatar
Aniya Jun 13, 2020 4208 views

Would it be smart for me to double major in Finance and Information Systems, and get a Master's in Entrepreneurship?

#finance #college-major #business #major #techonolgy #future #career #entrepreneurship #college

As our society becomes more digitalized, I want to make sure that I have a good chance of being successful in the future.

Genevieve’s Avatar
Genevieve Aug 30, 2018 875 views

What are the best schools for majoring in film/cinematography production?

What schools would be best suited for this major? Are there certain schools that have an advantage over others? Would you immediately be able to work in the film industry following graduation and earning your degree? #majors #film #film-production #cinematography #film-schools #film-acting...