Career questions tagged product-manager

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product manager

I’m about to start my first full-time job in a product role, and I’m currently interning on software and hardware for electronic consumer products (like white noise machines). I have a background in industrial design/UX design. My medium-term goal (after 2 years) is to work in a developed country like Europe, Australia, or New Zealand, for better work-life balance (WLB) and to have time for side projects. However, I’m unsure which direction to take in my career. Most product manager roles seem to rely heavily on passion, but I haven’t found a field that excites me yet. Should I continue in product management or return to design? Also, it seems that hardware-focused product roles are rare in these regions, with most opportunities in software. If I decide to stay in product management, which industry should I focus on (e.g., consumer electronics, fintech, healthtech)? Any advice for someone in my situation?

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lala891 views

how to become a good product manager

how to become a good product manager

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CareerVillage Office Hours868 views

How to become a Product Manager?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a Product Manager? Note: Given the growing interest in the product management field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

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Caressa688 views

Product Industry?

How can I get into the product industry?

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Reva2279 views

To be a product manager, do you have to know some basic CS skills?

#computer-science #product-manager #technology #management #knowledge

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