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McKenzie Tuttle’s Avatar

McKenzie Tuttle

Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Apex, North Carolina
6 Answers
6634 Reads
1 Karma

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Jeff’s Avatar
Jeff May 16, 2020 864 views

Is there still time to pursue hobbies in med school?

#medicine #premed

Logan’s Avatar
Logan Jun 04, 2020 1365 views

What kind of experiences would you recommend the summer before senior year and the summer before college in order to get ahead for pre-med in college?

I just finished my junior year in high school and I am wondering how I should be proactive this summer. I have heard that internships and volunteering in clinics is very good if you plan to go into pre-med, but I am unsure of how to get myself out there. Both of my parents did not go into...

Nikolas’s Avatar
Nikolas Jun 19, 2020 1054 views

What state has the most demands for a job in IT?

I study python in school. #IT #Python

Amani’s Avatar
Amani Jun 19, 2020 853 views

Do you necessarily have to be a great drawer to be a graphic desinger

#STEM #LegoRobotics #HighSchoool

Divya’s Avatar
Divya Jun 22, 2020 1258 views

What can I do in my undergrad to gain experience in the pharmacy industry and understand if it's something I'd like to pursue?

I'm currently a biochemistry major possibly on a pre-medical track but genuinely I have very little idea what career I would like to pursue. Being a pharmacist is a job that piques my interest, but I don't know how to gain the experience I need to understand if it's the right industry for me...

Keerthana’s Avatar
Keerthana Jun 22, 2020 1628 views

What should you major as if you want to be a lawyer? Does it depend on what type of lawyer you want to be?

#law #college-major #lawyer