Samantha’s Career Goals
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Hello anesthesiologists, I was hoping if you could share your story of how you became an anesthesiologist from which college you attended, what you majored in, any class recommendations, etc. Thanks for your help in my upcoming journey.
#doctor #anesthesiologist #futureanesthesiologist #medicine #pre-med #highschool #thankyou

Are there any medical related online opportunities for teens in high school to do during the pandemic? Future thanks for the help!
I am currently a junior and I do not have much medical-related volunteer experience so any bit of advice will help. Thanks again. #high-school #help #futureanesthesiologist #anesthesiologist #experience #thanks #medicalfield #medicine

Are there any volunteer opportunities for future anesthesiologists currently in high school?
#medical #doctor #medicine #highschool#volunteer#anesthesiologist