Career questions tagged thanks

What is the day of a Behavior Analyst working for the FBI like?
I'm curious and want to gain inside knowledge of what it's like before I pursue this career! Is it scary, exciting, rewarding, dangerous? How long did it take to become a behavior analyst for the FBI? Was it hard? I'm trying real hard to dig deep into this career and anything will help!

Do you find it rude when we don't say 'thank you'?
ALL PROFESSIONALS! Do you find it rude that if we ask a question, we never thanked you for responding? I've seen a ton of discussions in Career Village that professionals don't even get the "thanks" for responding to the question. I got curious if you find it rude hehe I would like to formally thank the Career Village for continuously posting my questions and to the professionals who take their time to respond and give valuable information to my questions. I am grateful to this community. :) (virtual hugs & handshakes)

Are there any medical related online opportunities for teens in high school to do during the pandemic? Future thanks for the help!
I am currently a junior and I do not have much medical-related volunteer experience so any bit of advice will help. Thanks again. #high-school #help #futureanesthesiologist #anesthesiologist #experience #thanks #medicalfield #medicine

Do you have any suggestions for some easy scholarships I could sign up for?
#help #dont-know-what-im-doing #stressed #college-stress #hopeidontewnduphomeless #help-a-bro-out #thanks

What should I expect in College?
I am a HS senior and I've been accepted to some of the colleges that I applied to. The one thing that is bothering me is that I don't know what to do once I choose the school I'll spend for another 4 years. #Any #tips #thanks #college

What are some of the best things that can be written into a story?
What are some of the best things that can be written into a story. #writing #storytelling #creative-writing #Thanks

What kind of jobs are there where can work with human relations?
I'm still a little confused on what I want to study but I know I have a passion for people and traveling. I don't like dealing with numbers, or being stuck at a desk, I want to be involved in my field. Any advice? #thanks #career-choice