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Tea Allen Allen’s Avatar

Tea Allen Allen

Nashville, Tennessee
3 Answers
20033 Reads
1 Karma

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Seth’s Avatar
Seth Apr 26, 2018 18328 views

What is the most difficult part about being a full time student in college?

I understand that there are a lot of distractions when you're in an environment as large as the college setting, but I want to be prepared for what obstacles I would face as a college student. #college-advice #college #student #student-life #student-affairs #college-student

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 10, 2020 713 views

What if you don't want to go to college?

#student #college

Yisbel’s Avatar
Yisbel Jul 11, 2020 2162 views

How do I complete volunteer hours?

I am a junior now in highschool. I am 16 years old. #volunteer #highschool #high-school-classes