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Sharnel McLeod’s Avatar

Sharnel McLeod

Global Marketing Manager with focus on Digital Marketing
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Indiana, Indiana
2 Answers
2867 Reads
16 Karma

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Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Aug 17, 2016 1401 views

what is a good first job while in high school?

I want to find a part time job #job-search

Lexis’s Avatar
Lexis Aug 16, 2016 1511 views

Do people with higher degrees most likely get better positions at a job?

I am going to school for a master's in journalism and a Ph.D in communications. I wanted to know if when I apply to a job I'm more likely to get a higher position that is available since I have a higher degree of education. #journalism #communications #broadcast-journalism...