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Jesennia Bonilla-Liriano, BS’s Avatar

Jesennia Bonilla-Liriano, BS

Graduate Student
Management Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Ceiba, Ceiba
11 Answers
13312 Reads
32 Karma

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Meghana’s Avatar
Meghana Nov 24, 2022 3723 views

What is the career path to become a geneticist? How long does it typically take after high school?

Genetics is a very fascinating and growing field, so I want explore my career options, especially in research.

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas May 10, 2022 650 views

What do I major in if I want to stay with sports?

#baseball #basketball

Alicia’s Avatar
Alicia May 12, 2022 999 views

If I attend community college will I be able to take classes online?

I'm interested in attending south mountain community college.

Gabriela’s Avatar
Gabriela May 25, 2021 759 views

How did you discover your love for marine biology and know this was the career for you?

#careers #biology #marinebiology #marinebiologist

Karoline’s Avatar
Karoline Jul 22, 2020 638 views

What are your thoughts regarding how you see the practice of medicine changing in the future?

#veterinarian #medicine #health-care

Cloey’s Avatar
Cloey Jul 23, 2020 566 views

Majors alike oceanography, and where to find them.

I am a rising senior and am interested in oceanography. I have not been able to find many colleges that have this major. Should I look outside of the U.S.? Or is there another major that I should use in my search? I am leaning more toward the chemical side, but also want to look into the...

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Jul 22, 2020 783 views

What are some good colleges I should look into that have a good medical program?

#programs #college #collegeprep

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Jul 22, 2020 672 views

Describe the college application process

#college-application #college-prep

Dakota’s Avatar
Dakota Jul 21, 2020 1357 views

What is the best way to organize school supplies for multiple classes?

I want to make it easier to remember and easily access my papers and materials for multiple classes. I have tried using binders for each class, as well as one binder for all of my classes. Is there a productive way to organize my stuff to be convenient and helpful? I will have around 8-10...

Dev’s Avatar
Dev Jul 17, 2020 1314 views

What are the job possibilities that one could get with a BS Biology degree with a minor in business?

I am currently an incoming freshman undergraduate student pursuing a biology degree from the honors program at my university. I am on plan to be a business minor along the way and I was wondering if I could combine both of those expertise for a job/business?