Rachel Sofaer
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What advice do you have for writers who do not have writing as their full-time job?
I have always loved books and stories, and writing is one of the biggest things that I want to "do" in my life. However, I know that it is not practical to assume that as soon as I graduate college, I will publish a best-selling novel and be set for life. I am definitely prepared to get a...

Where do I start looking for jobs when I leave college?
I want to write for Film and TV. #writing #film #creative-writing

Would a double major followed by a PhD be too much?
I don't want to spend the rest of my life in school, but I do want to teach at the college level. I'm debating between getting my PhD in history or English/writing. Would it be too much of a hassle to double major and then decide?
#double-major #phd #history #writing #creative-writing