Career questions tagged priorities

Hi my name is Lane I am stuck between witch career to do. I am in between athletic trainer because I love helping people and i love sports, but i want to be a game warden because i love the outdoors. I would be nice if someone could give me benefits and other ideas for each career idea.
#sports #career #outdoors #Priorities

What advice do you have for writers who do not have writing as their full-time job?
I have always loved books and stories, and writing is one of the biggest things that I want to "do" in my life. However, I know that it is not practical to assume that as soon as I graduate college, I will publish a best-selling novel and be set for life. I am definitely prepared to get a day-job, or maybe even something that seems more "career-like" so long as I can still write at home, but I know that it can be difficult to balance those things, especially since one is giving a more immediate pay-off while writing may seem not quite as important, at least in the sense of putting food on the table. What advice do you have for prioritizing and moving ahead with writing even when life gets in the way? Thank you so much! #writing #creative writing #day-job #priorities

Is it bad if I am only considering colleges that have my sport in division 1?
I love my sport and it is a huge stress reliever for me, causing me to only consider schools with great teams. Usually people make sure their major has a great program at the school and THEN sports/hobbies, but I am doing it backwards. Is that okay as long as my college has my major too? #sport #psychologymajor #school #priorities #applying

What are some good places to find inspiration?
I am 19 and have been out of high school for a year. At first I just wanted to work for a while and get my savings account up. Now that some time has passed I find myself under pressure to make some more serious strides towards my future but I don't really seem to have much to work for. Money, freedom, peace, knowledge, accomplishment... It all sounds nice but the only goal I can make with certainty is that I don't want to fail. So where would be some good places to find something to work toward. #career-path #motivation #career-exploration #priorities

Is it better to be college-ready or career ready?
We are talking about this but which is more important? Should one be more required than the other? It's confusing me because we are constantly told that college must be a priority but yet there are places you can get a full-time job by just passing the Work Keys test and get paid a pretty decent salary. #college #career #job #career-paths #priorities