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Lesly Curtis’s Avatar

Lesly Curtis

Business Manager
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Seattle, Washington
2 Answers
1296 Reads
2 Karma

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Belinda’s Avatar
Belinda Jul 30, 2020 698 views

How do you know if graduate business school is the right step in your career?

I'm considering applying to deferred enrollment programs but am still trying to figure out what kind of role business school would play in my career vs. continuing at a company I'm working for.

#JULY20 #graduateschool #business #school #career

keyona’s Avatar
keyona Jul 30, 2020 630 views

How do you feel that the BA of Accounting that I receive will better the country and international ones in terms of economical problems.

I think that getiing people to understand what it is that they have and during this time of the world were financial times are hard and many of the optional educationally and monetary so that they can have stability and survival in theses hard times and have some form of preservation...