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lori wood’s Avatar

lori wood

Freelance Sports Writer for print media
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Legal Occupations
Indiana, Indiana
9 Answers
20218 Reads
16 Karma

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damien’s Avatar
damien Mar 27, 2019 781 views

how long does it take to "make it" in this day and age?

#business #interviews

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Mar 07, 2018 942 views

Why is PreCalculus hard for some people and not for others?

I am asking because a lot of people in my class are struggling in it except for a few people. #math , #high school

Mounia’s Avatar
Mounia Apr 01, 2017 1971 views

Is it ever acceptable to ask members of the organization you interviewed with about other organizations that are potentially hiring?

I had an informational interview with an organization about their upcoming AmeriCorps position, which starts in August. I am currently unemployed and have been advised by family and peers to inquire about other organizations I can work at in the interim. Is it acceptable to ask? And if so how...

Seth’s Avatar
Seth Jan 08, 2017 1585 views

How should a prepare for a first job interview?

As not having any previous job experience how should i prepare for and execute my first interview since job experience is a big deal in getting a job? #interviews #interview-preparation #job-application

ethel’s Avatar
ethel Aug 22, 2016 1377 views

How likely is it to be a sports commentator?

i have always wanted to be one but i would like to know the likelihood of pursuing that career. #sports #television #sports-journalism #sports-broadcasting

Sowmiya’s Avatar
Sowmiya Apr 25, 2016 1860 views

How can I become an Editor at a Newspaper?

I like Narrating Stories ... and i like editing the stories ... so my wish to join as a editor in famous newspaper #journalism #editing #editor #newspapers

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Jan 19, 2012 8263 views

What steps did you take in high school to start your journalism career?

I am Alex Torres, a 16 year old junior who is eager to start my sports journalism career. I always wanted to be a sports journalist because of my passion for sports and willing to start taking the necessary steps to start my writing career #sports #journalism

Jakob’s Avatar
Jakob Aug 21, 2016 1377 views

Aside from interviews and basic research, what is the overall process like to gather information and report the story?

I am a high school student interested in the field of journalism. I would appreciate knowing how they get their information and what kind of sources they use to create a strong story for the public. #sports #journalism #sports-journalism #broadcast-journalism

Jakob’s Avatar
Jakob Aug 21, 2016 1301 views

After college, how tough was it to achieve your dream of being a sports news reporter?

I would like to know because I have had drawn interest in the field of reporting in general, but now I feel like sports reporting is what I want to go into. #sports #entertainment #sports-journalism #broadcast-journalism