Career questions tagged sports-broadcasting

How do I become an FBI agent?
How long do I have to go to school? What classes do I have to take?

Sports Broadcasting
How many years would it take in college to become a sports-broadcaster? What type of classes would it take in High School and College to get this job? Would Journalism be a good class for this major?

Sports Broadcasting / Sports Media
What does the typical day of a sports broadcaster or someone in the sports media do?

What does a broadcast journalists daily life look like?
#sports-journalism #broadcast-journalism #sports-broadcasting #sports-media

There are many schools with Sports Management Degrees and some with either Broadcast Journalism or Sports Media. What is the best degree for the career of my choice?
I am ready to go to any state to begin this journey. #sports-broadcasting #sports-media

How long should it take to become a sucessful broadcster ?
I would like to have a great career ion that field if the NFL does not work out I still would like to have a major hand in the sport #sports-broadcasting #sports #broadcasting #communications #media

What are the steps of becmoing a sucessful sports broadcaster ?
I would like to have a great career ion that field if the NFL does not work out I still would like to have a major hand in the sport #sports-broadcasting #sports #broadcasting #communications #media

How likely is it to be a sports commentator?
i have always wanted to be one but i would like to know the likelihood of pursuing that career. #sports #television #sports-journalism #sports-broadcasting

What do you love about sports entertainment?
It is important for everyone to love what they they, especially if they plan on continuing on in their career for many years. This also leads to a happy life! I would like to see why others enjoy this industry to widen my views. #sports #sports-management #entertainment #social-media #broadcast-media #sports-journalism #sports-media #sports-broadcasting

What is the best first step in planning a career in sports entertainment and why?
I believe that it is important for someone who is beginning their journey in starting a career to understand the hard work and steps it takes to achieve their goals. I would like to see how others would start to plan their careers and why so I could also have more input on how to start mine! #sports #sports-management #entertainment #social-media #sports-journalism #sports-media #sports-broadcasting

What can/ should i do while i am still in high school to help prepare me for a career in film or broadcasting?
I am planning on taking a course in one of the two once i enter college and pursue a career within the major i choose. I am wondering i can do to prepare and for this and gain more knowledge and experience in either. #film #film-production #broadcast-television #sports-broadcasting

What did your path to becoming a field sports newscaster/reporter look like?
I think it would be super fun to be on the field of professional sports games and interview the coaches, players, and others. What does it take to get into sports reporting? I'm interested to hear what your path looked like and whether you have advice for young people like me about how best to accomplish this career goal. Thank you! #sports #television #broadcast-media #espn #sports-broadcasting