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Patrick Foley’s Avatar

Patrick Foley

Partner Programs Associate
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Austin, Texas
4 Answers
5482 Reads
32 Karma

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Umair’s Avatar
Umair Feb 01, 2020 2664 views

For Business Development/Partnerships/Strategy professionals in Tech or Business: what type of skills, methodologies, and frameworks have you developed over time in order to do well in your job and have a positive impact towards your organization?

I’m currently a senior @ Rutgers University studying IT & Entrepreneurship. Highly interested in starting a career in the business side of Tech and would like to one day lead the transaction of billion dollar deals and market partnerships. #business #entrepreneur #strategy #business development...

KAREN’s Avatar
KAREN Mar 21, 2020 1724 views

How to brighten up my CV?

A girl that needs some inspiration #tech #resume

Ramiro’s Avatar
Ramiro Jul 22, 2020 839 views

How to gain experience for big tech companies

I have a Computer Science AS degree and do not have work experience. I find myself in a tough spot. However, I am still continuing my studies, but I need to start getting some real work experience according to my professors. I do not know where to start or where could I get accepted to get...

Alejandro’s Avatar
Alejandro Aug 01, 2020 658 views

How do I get into Digital Marketing with only half year experience in Marketing and without studies about Digital Marketing? Is it enough to review some concepts on my own and get the knowledge at work or it's mandatory to be an expert in the subject to get a job?

I have some experience in marketing in a multinational company. I am 27 by the way, studying a postgraduate in BI. #tech #digital #digitalmarketing