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Heather Wolird’s Avatar

Heather Wolird

Veterinary Nurse
Healthcare Support Occupations
Cypress, California
3 Answers
2224 Reads
2 Karma

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Magdalena’s Avatar
Magdalena Oct 27, 2020 632 views

How do we know if the colleges have Pre-Veterinary classes?

I love animals, I've rescued some off of the streets and took care of them like they were my own until I found good homes for them. If they had wounds I made sure to clean the wound, keep them nice and clean. I also have different types of animals. I've had reptiles, fish, some mammals, etc....

Kamarie’s Avatar
Kamarie Sep 04, 2020 955 views

how can you help me with school

#school #biology #classwork #homework

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 24, 2020 694 views

Are AP classes similar to college classes?

#medicine #medical #doctor #doctors #high-school #sat #advice #medical-field