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New York, New York
2 Questions
141 Karma

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darryl Mar 02, 2016 2588 views

Is stock market investing a good career path?

I have a passion for cooking but if finding a career in culinary is not working out I would like to make a living Investing in stocks. If this is a good career path what college classes, major, and internships should I be taking as a incoming freshman in college the fall of 2016 to be...

darryl’s Avatar
darryl Mar 01, 2016 3960 views

Is it wise to pursue a career in cooking, like a chef, and does it pay well?

I am a senior and plan on going to college for culinary and business. I want to know if that a good career path that pay wells. Also are their any jobs or career specifically that both pay well and enjoyable in this career choice. #culinary-arts #business-idea #culinary-skills #food-service...