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Brent Bates’s Avatar

Brent Bates

Recruiter / Talent Acquisition / Human Resources / HR
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Charlotte, North Carolina
2 Answers
4337 Reads
32 Karma

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olive’s Avatar
olive Jul 27, 2020 1362 views

What is the best age to start making a physical resume?

I am a sophomore in high school and I am realizing that it may be a good idea to start creating a resume and wondering if I should, and if so what is the best kind of thing to put on it?
#high-school #education #resume #student #college#lawyer

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly Jul 30, 2020 3205 views

Other than a degree, what other skills are necessary in a marketing career?

What other skills come in handy or look good on a resume for a marketing career? #JULY20 #career #career-path #resume #skills #marketing