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Sean Barlett’s Avatar

Sean Barlett

Field Engineer at GE Water & Process Technologies
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 Answers
6870 Reads
11 Karma

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Steven’s Avatar
Steven Oct 20, 2016 2820 views

Is Petroleum Engineering a viable career?

Let's be honest, the oil industry is pretty rocky right now, should I consider a career in the field if I think it might be unreliable? #engineering #career-choice #oil

Mae ’s Avatar
Mae Feb 24, 2016 4008 views

I want to be an environmental engineer. What information can you give me about environmental engineering, and what can I do in high school to help me achieve my goal?

Hello! I want to pursue a career in environmental engineering, and I want to be as prepared as possible for college. Is there anything that is very important for me to make sure I do while in high school? I'm in honors/AP courses and plan to take AP Environmental Science next school year (I'm a...