Career questions tagged energy

For zoologists or any full time worker do you guys have enough energy to cook dinner every night and do you guys go out to buy clothes or watch movies often???
I am wondering since I do these daily and wonder if you can still do that while being a zoologist.

what is dangerous about using hydro electric energy/ and what are its down sides??
what is dangerous about using hydro electric energy/ and what are its down sides?

Hi, what is the future of AI in renewable energy sector? What skills sets will be required to be relevent in this sector for comming decades?
#engineer #engineering #Co generation #mechanical-engineering #energy Management.

Should I stay in the oilfield service industry or make a career change?
The oil industry is full of uncertainty and requires me to live in places I would rather not (North Dakota/West Texas). Money can be very good. Should I stay in it for the long haul or take the leap into a different industry? Currently a general manager of a $25M/year oilfield service business. Enjoy my current position and feel confident about my future with current employer, but I want to be prepared for an uncertain future. I have a bachelor's degree in accounting. I have also partially completed an MBA. #oilfield #energy #careeradvice #careermove #business

Where can I find energy related internship?
New graduated Master's student studying energy market, energy efficiency, and data analysis. Where can I find an internship related to what I studied? #internship #summer-jobs #Energy #Renewable Energy #Analyst

Try to find a job after changing major from petroleum to finance
Hello, I have a degree in Geoscience (petroleum specializaton) and will take a finance master this year. Could you give me any advice on career path? I know that networking is very important in the business field but I find it not easy to build relationship. Could you provide any suggestion on networking? #Finance #Oil and Gas #Energy #business

What is it like to work in renewable energy field (wind, biomass, solar, hydropower)? I would like to learn from your experiences
#engineering #renewable-energy #mechanical-engineering #energy

can an electro-mechanical engineer be working in an office (managerial job)without having to go to sites/factories ?
#energy #renewableenergy #engineering #engineer r #mechanical-engineering #electrical #electrical-engineering

What's the job satisfaction rate for a Solar Energy Systems Engineer?
#Solar #Energy #Electronics #engineering

How high is the risk in the work place for BIOFUELS PROCESSING TECHNICIANS
I do not mind if there is some or if its high but i need an idea before i can further decide if this is something i would want to do #engineer #biofuels #engineering #biofuels-technician #biology #chemistry #energy

What should i know before i look more into BIOFUELS PROCESSING TECHNICIANS?
I am in Job Corps and i am looking for a path that will lead me to a career that i can be proud of and in a way give back to the community. #electrical-engineering #biofuels #energy #biofuels-technician #biology #chemistry

what is required to work as a lineman for alabama power
#alabama-power #lineman #southern-company #power #energy # #engineering

Is chemistry heavily required for energy engineering?
I'm planning on taking up energy engineering after my year 12 and I was wondering if chemistry played a big role in energy engineering #energy-engineering #chemistry #engineering #energy

How do you see meritocracy inside a company?
I am searching for an interniship, but I am seeing that sometimes people get a job easier when there is someone inside the conpany that rely on them, that has been indicated by someone else. But is it a problem for meritrocacy? I say, a person that does not have someone inside the company to indicate him. #management #civil-engineering #industrial-engineering #executive-office #logistics #energy #supply-chain #energy-engineering

What kind of mechanical engineering jobs are there relating to energy?
I'm interesting in mechanical engineering and everything about energy. If there is specific jobs available for mechanical engineering, what are they? What does the job entail? #mechanical-engineering #renewable-energy #energy #solar-energy

Can the particles of energy in food and water hold consciousness?
According to cell biology, you are what you eat. Does the vibration of energy in particles of food and water have an affect on the way my cells are composed? #doctor #nutrition #cell-biology #energy #atoms #consciousness

What careers in STEM will allow me to travel?
I'm an incoming college freshman pursuing a bachelor's in biotechnology and planning to enter the field of sustainable energy. While I am very comfortable with this plan, I would also like to travel the world, and travel often. Are there any careers in the STEM field that can open opportunities for me to travel? Any advice would be much appreciated, thank you! #energy #oil-and-energy #environmental-services #environmental-science #sustainability #stem

What are possible career options associated with a degree in Environmental Engineering?
So far I know that Environmental Engineering majors can become Energy engineers, Environmental scientists, and solar energy specialists. I would like to know more in depth descriptions of possible career paths that are associated with a degree in Environmental Engineering. I am particularly interested in the field of designing and constructing structures using Eco-friendly materials and green technology. #engineering #environmental-science #environmental-engineering #energy #green