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Kylie Coats’s Avatar

Kylie Coats

Mesa, Arizona
5 Answers
4611 Reads
12 Karma

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Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 31, 2020 1428 views

When should I start going on college tours? I am a junior in highschool.

#college #university

Samyukta’s Avatar
Samyukta Sep 02, 2020 1334 views

When should I write my SAT?

Hi, I'm confused about how the SAT works, because I'm from India. When should I take my SATs? Should I take it immediately after my 12th Final Exam? Or before it? Will it be hard for me to prepare for these two really competitive exams at the same time? Or will I have a break after my 12th...

Aylin’s Avatar
Aylin Aug 27, 2019 678 views

what advice can you give to someone who is considering to be a nursing assistant?

#Nursing #CNA

mahealani’s Avatar
mahealani Sep 06, 2019 516 views

How much schooling is required for a nursing assistant ?

I am interested in the nursing field. #nurse

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas Aug 31, 2020 901 views

What should I keep in mind when choosing a nursing school?

I am a 17-year-old heading into my senior year of high school and plan to go into nursing in the future. I live in Washington State and have been looking at colleges for a while now. I've noticed they all seem to say very similar things. What should I be looking for when determining a school's...