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Helen Chapman’s Avatar

Helen Chapman

Small Business Sales Specialist
Management Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Tucson, Arizona
5 Answers
8189 Reads
42 Karma

Active Locations

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 10, 2020 1266 views

What encouraged you to become what you are today?

#business #business-management

Joy’s Avatar
Joy Jan 25, 2018 2456 views

How to build up your confidence? How to be good at communicating with people?

Everyone would sort of encounters this kind of problem. For an introvert, how should we act to overcome the fear to communicate with people. Even though we did not mean something, but our timidity always prevent us from getting our message across. How to make introverts become confident?...

Chase’s Avatar
Chase Sep 14, 2020 2068 views

What is a simple way to stay focused and continue working towards your goals

I want to become a mechanical engineer, however I'm unsure whether I will be able to meet the requirements because I didn't try to get into my level of classes in middle school and high school until Junior year, I easily passed my math classes in Junior year, I am now a senior taking a class I...

Trenton’s Avatar
Trenton Sep 14, 2020 2844 views

What carreer is best for me?

I have no clue what I want to grow up to be. #career-choice