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Lakiya’s Avatar


Memphis, Tennessee
4 Questions
168 Karma

Lakiya’s Career Goals

I want to be either a lawyer , detective or a graphic designer because i like them all but in all i really want to be a detective.

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Lakiya Nov 13, 2020 605 views

What are some good colleges?

Hey my name is Lakiya , and I attend Hillcrest Highschool in Memphis, Tn, and I want to be a lawyer and I was wondering what are some good colleges, I'm open minding to moving out of state also! #lawyers #colleges #fun #law

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Lakiya Nov 13, 2020 632 views

What are some majors can I take in college to be a lawyer?

Hey my Lakiya and I attend Hillcrest HIghschool and i'm think about attending college, and I want to know what type of majors and minors can I take.Thank you.. #classes #college #careers #lawyers #experience

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Lakiya Oct 02, 2020 648 views

What's the best job?

Hi my name is Lakiya and i'm a student at Hillcrest High School. I kinda want to do 2 jobs , but they consists of the same major criminology. I want to be a detective and I want to be a lawyer. I find both fascinating and I really just want to be successful in life you know? So any advice will...

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Lakiya Sep 18, 2020 587 views

I want to go to college to study criminology, any advice or what to expect?

Hi my name is Lakiya, and i'm currently attending a high school in Memphis and I plan to go to college and that's the subject i want to major in. #buisness #college #majors #college