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Morgan’s Avatar


Grafton, Ohio
6 Questions
293 Karma

Morgan’s Career Goals

I want to have a job in either the sciences or the arts, working to better the environment and create something beautiful.


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Morgan’s Avatar
Morgan Oct 27, 2020 636 views

Should I go to art school?

I'm a senior trying to decide on a path in life, and art is something i'm interested in. I have heard very mixed feelings about how art is great and a totally viable path, but i've also heard that it's a crowded industry that's much too saturated. Which one is right? Help! #art #art #artist...

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Morgan Oct 27, 2020 693 views

I have just learned about the possible career path of veterinary medical illustration, and I'm very interested, but have some questions!

I'm a 12th grader looking to decide her major in college, and through Career Village I have been introduced to the idea of veterinary medical illustration. The only concern I have is that it may be too niche, and I won't be able to make a career out of it. What are the upsides to this? Is it...

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Morgan Oct 23, 2020 935 views

What does a job in agriculture entail?

I'm looking into a job in animal agriculture, but would like to hear from someone in that field what the job is like, what it entails, and what a day in your life is like. How long are you working every day? How expensive is it to care for all the animals? Would it be better to have my own...

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Morgan Oct 23, 2020 719 views

What is involved with running your own business? Is it the right option for me?

I'm a 12th grader looking to choose between the arts and sciences for her career, and one option I've been introduced to is freelance work as an artist, or being a small business owner. Is it really as glamorous as it sounds? How long does it take? Is it worth the potential risk?...

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Morgan Oct 23, 2020 999 views

Does choosing a private versus public college make that big of a difference?

The two main colleges I'm looking towards as I graduate are similar in most aspects except one; public versus private. Does this make a difference in the quality of education I'm receiving, or just the price? #college #privatecollege #public college #college-choice

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Morgan Oct 23, 2020 869 views

I am a 12th grader looking to choose her career path, but I am stuck between two very different routes; agricultural/animal sciences, or art? How should I go about making this big decision?

Throughout high school, I've been interested in both science and art for a potential career path. I've been able to narrow my search to animal/agricultural sciences, or game design/animation. Is there any way to combine these interests into a future path? If not, what would be a smarter...