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Anna Rice’s Avatar

Anna Rice

4 Answers
2373 Reads
1 Karma



Tags on answered questions

daniel’s Avatar
daniel Oct 27, 2020 473 views

What is the best job to apply to?

#first job

Abbie’s Avatar
Abbie Oct 27, 2020 554 views

Is it helpful if I take both the SAT and the ACT for colleges to see if my GPA is not as high as I would like it to be?


Melody’s Avatar
Melody Oct 27, 2020 645 views

How to take care of yourself

I feel myself always getting into a funk. With everything that I am doing in college and work I don't have time for myself or to spend time with others. What are some things you do to take care of yourself and not feel guilty about it? #sad

Aiyana’s Avatar
Aiyana Oct 27, 2020 673 views

How can I have more fun in my job?

I'm a sophomore taking a college and career readiness class and my worries in a job is me working away my years away an losing the fun, intriguing, and full of happiness part of life. I want to be an elementary teacher and I know that will keep anyone on their toes but I want to know how to...