Career questions tagged gpa

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jeren157 views

How do I get better at studying and be more focused?

Even though I try to study, I get side tracked really fast and lose focus

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Arihant1529 views

Passion Project For Finance?

I'm an international student(Freshman) studying at a private school in Tokyo. What would you say is a good passion project for someone wanting to major in finance? Something noticeable enough to hook an Ivy League school?

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Katelyn1123 views

What is considered a good GPA in high school?

I am wondering what is still considered a ¨ good ¨ or a GPA that most colleges will accept.

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Khai1035 views

How important is GPA?

I'm worried that my grades will not be enough to get me a good path for a career or higher education after high school, I'm hovering at around a 3.6 currently and I am anxious that my GPA will not be suffice for a good career.

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Reagan575 views

Is it possible to get into one of the more prestigious colleges even if I didn't have very good grades the first semester of my freshman year ?

I kinda started out my freshman year ok before my grades tanked due to me not turning homework in because I was sick quite often and missed days of school. Since I failed so horribly the first semester I plan to at least get higher than A-'s all throughout high school to hopefully make up for it. I should also note that getting an A isn't that difficult for me because I got Bs and Cs in the first semester without putting in much effort. But I've realized now that I should just get high school over with and put in the the full effort.

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Barbra364 views

how can i improve my self esteem?

am in grade 10

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Vedant495 views

What happens if I get a sub-par GPA in my first trimester of Freshman year Will it impact my total GPA significantly??

I got a 5.3/6.0, and I aim to get above 5.7 all 4 years. Also, my classes are decently difficult and will maintain the same difficulty throughout this year.

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katerina374 views

How good is work-life balance as a surgeon #Fall24?

I am curious as to how good work-life is as a surgeon. Would I be able to spend enough time with my family in the future? This is something I highly value.

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Alivia722 views

what are some medical school that are good?

what are something you can do to in a good medical school and what are something you can do to improve your chances is getting in to these good medical schools

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Reniah613 views

What can get me a better chance in getting accepted into an hbcu with a low gpa?

My gpa is a 3.5 and I haven’t taken my SAT test yet, but I do not have high hopes for the score.

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Tasnin979 views

How can I get my GPA higher/study tips?

I did badly in my freshmen and sophomore years of high school, resulting in a low GPA score. I now want to go to a good college and want to get my GPA up. Are there any tips you can give me to improve my GPA? How can I maintain good grades? How should I study?

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Mo1373 views

What's my gpa on the normal scale? my school does a weird thing and i cant figure it out

I have a 89.000, which is the weighted gpa. but aren't most gpas on a 1.0 - 4.0 scale? what does it mean? what's my grade on a scale?

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Anja575 views

Is my GPA considered good?

Hello! I'm finishing my second year of highschool and I'm not very happy with my GPA. (In my country, we have a GPA scale from 1-5.) Both this and last year my GPA was 4.41 (/5) and I don't know if that's acceptable for Italian universities. I'd like to study Biology (either Marine Bio or Genetics), I'm in my school's Model UN club and I'm going to start volunteering in an animal shelter soon, but I can't help but worry my GPA will be the reason I get rejected for a certain uni...

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Angel500 views

How can I get into college with a good gpa ?

How can I get into a college with a good gpa and with good grades .

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Baoyi788 views

CC transfer to UC

I blindly selected courses in the first three semesters of CC, my GPA is very low, and some of my credits cannot be transferred. Will this reduce my chances of being accepted being accepted by good schools? What do I need to do to improve my chances of admission in the last three semesters?

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Tanner1281 views

How difficult is your life as a lawyer?

I am a newly graduate from high school. I have been accepted into community college for basic teachings for my gpa to increase. Then I plan to transfer somewhere to get my bachelors. I want to know how did you do in law school, and how it has effected your work. Do you ever feel threatened as a prosecutor?

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Abdulsalam573 views


How to get good grades in school

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Charly949 views

What colleges/universities should I apply to?

Hi, I'm a high school junior who's trying to figure out which colleges to apply to in August. I want to major in Mechanical Engineering. I want to go out of state for college and to one that's known for its engineering program. The problem is money. I'm interested in the University of Florida and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign but I don't know if they give good financial aid, especially to a student from out of state. I have 4.0 gpa unweighted, have been taking concurrent enrollment since the ninth grade, will graduate with also graduate high school an associate's of science, and have some pretty alright extracurriculars. I just barely took the ACT, so I don't know my score yet but think it'll be around 29-32. I also qualify for maximum financial aid from the FAFSA. What colleges would be a good fit for me, especially since my financial situation is very bad?

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Ashwini1350 views

Is it game over if I score less marks in my high school final year? Will I be able to join any college to pursue a bachelors in computer science? What other qualifications matter except my grades?

I'm currently writing my high school cbse class 12 board exams and I am worried whether I will have a bright future if i fail to secure a good grade in my exams.

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Thairys6389 views

What is good gpa to get into a good college/ colleges?

Any help would be useful.

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Semilore1392 views

What is good gpa?

Any help would be usefull

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John1226 views

College admission grades?

I want to have the best chance I can at getting into USC, but I also don't want to need a 4.0 GPA and be taking as many honors and AP classes as possible. I want to be able to do things outside of school and such. Do you think I would need a 4.0 GPa and tons of honors and AP classes to get in?

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Aliah1274 views

How much do you have to do around your school to be accepted?

Like how do you make sure to get into a medical college? I have a 4.0 average so far into my 7th grade year. I want to know what courses I should take in High School to be sure to get into medical college.

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Ilknur2235 views

How important is GPA in finding consulting jobs?

My GPA is not very high, and it makes me anxious since I am going to be in a competitive field. What can I do if I do not have a high GPA and perfect extracurriculars?

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madden1138 views

how is a good school for coding?

how is a good school for coding in u.s.a? I am looking for a good school for coding in u.s.a. I don't no war to go because there are so may school to go to

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chrismarie786 views

how can i get an scholarship ?

I am a 9th grade student and i want to graduate high school with good grades to get an scholarship because i want to go to Columbia university what can i do ? i am interest in being an odontologist

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Hanna1201 views

What's a good college in NC?

What's a good college in NC for someone with a low GPA? And less Money? Any answer would be appreciated thank you. P.s 18yr old in HS at SC homeschooled.

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Liliana2443 views

Why is it important to have a good GPA?

I always wanted to know why is it so important, and what do you even get from it?..

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Walt2863 views

How can I keep my grades up?

11th grade is around the corner and it’s the hardest grade at my school. I need to keep my grades up before graduation.

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lexie2524 views

can i get into college with a 2.5 gpa ?

my friend has a 2.5 gpa and she wants to go to college what kind of colleges could she get accepted into

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