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Wanzetta’s Avatar


Fairbanks, Alaska
2 Questions
73 Karma

Wanzetta’s Career Goals

I want to become a Neurosurgeon.

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Wanzetta’s Avatar
Wanzetta Oct 27, 2020 689 views

As a Neurosurgeon What skills—such as communication and problem solving—are most important in your field? Describe a situation in which you use these skills.

I am a high school sophomore and have always wanted to have some type of medical career. For the last couple of years, I've been leaning toward surgery and I'm really interested in the human brain which led me to Neurological Surgery as a specialty. I would love to hear from someone he's living...

Wanzetta’s Avatar
Wanzetta Oct 27, 2020 1481 views

As a Neurosurgeon, how many years in total did it take to get where you are in your career today?

I am a high school sophomore and have always wanted to have some type of medical career. For the last couple of years, I've been leaning toward surgery and I'm really interested in the human brain which led me to Neurological Surgery as a specialty. I would love to hear from someone he's living...