Career questions tagged brain

Is all the schooling that it takes to become a neurologist worth it?
My name is Tristin and I am a middle school student. I really take an interest in the healthcare field and especially neuroscience. I would like to become a neurologist one day. Is all the schooling that it takes to become a neurologist worth it? What is the best and worst part of being a neurologist?

What is a psych NP in charge of?
I really want to be an NP. I want to know more in-depth about what is their daily day like. #psychology #therapist #family #brain #therapists

As a Neurosurgeon What skills—such as communication and problem solving—are most important in your field? Describe a situation in which you use these skills.
I am a high school sophomore and have always wanted to have some type of medical career. For the last couple of years, I've been leaning toward surgery and I'm really interested in the human brain which led me to Neurological Surgery as a specialty. I would love to hear from someone he's living my dream life as a neurosurgeon. #career #brain #neurosurgeon

As a Neurosurgeon, how many years in total did it take to get where you are in your career today?
I am a high school sophomore and have always wanted to have some type of medical career. For the last couple of years, I've been leaning toward surgery and I'm really interested in the human brain which led me to Neurological Surgery as a specialty. I would love to hear from someone he's living my dream life as a neurosurgeon. #career #brain #neurosurgeon

As someone interested in Neuroscience as a possible career, would electrical/electronic engineering be a good major?
Since the body's nervous system uses a series of electrical impulses to relay messages, I feel like this electronic/electrical engineering would be a good discipline to pursue. I could possibly minor in neuroscience, but also have available a wide array of career paths in both engineering disciplines and the medical setting. I have also read a lot about the crossroads between neuroscience and electrical/electronic engineering. Any reccomendations? #engineering #electrical-engineering #neuroscience #Brain #medicine #body #electronic engineering

Is neuroscience a good major?
Things you can consider for this specific question... Are there many job opportunities in neuroscience? Is there a lot of room for growth in the field of neuroscience? If you majored in neuroscience, are you happy with your choice of major? I'm a CareerVillage staff member and I'm posting this because we know that many young people are looking for the answer to this question. This is among the most popular questions searched by youth, and we're hoping you will take a moment to share your response to it. Thank you! #neuroscience #biology #psychology #neuro #healthcare #cognition #brain #brain-sciences #cognitive-science

What are the perks of being a neuroscientist?
I want to be a neuroscientist and pursue my dreams. I know what university I should go to and what subjectss I should choose and how I’m going to pay for uni. But I really want to know what advantages you’ll get when being a neuroscientist. Please answer. I really appreciate it. #neuroscientist #neuroscience #brain #brain-sciences

What is an average day in the life of a neurologist and neuroscientist like?
I am really interested in the #brain, and how it functions, but more importantly want to find new discoveries about it. What is a day in the life of his job like,hand is worth all the school years? #neurology #Neurologist #neuroscience #neuroscientist

What is the name for this job, it has to do with Neurology?
Hello! For my future i'm looking for a career that has something to do with #neurology , or the #brain. I am mainly VERY interested in finding scientific breakthroughs (such as why we dream, and many other things) Could someone tell me what the name for that career is, and how I can start to pursue it? Thanks!

Interested in how the brain works/phycology and want to do something related to that as a career
I also interested in human behaviour (that kinda relates to the brain as well) and I love sports- especially Basketball so I was thinking a sports phycologist ? or anything really that relates to how the brain works, Any ideas to this . Any ideas what sunjects to take at high school? What science's should I take? What maths should I take Calculis? Statistics? I'm also looking for a job that doesn't pay peanuts!! #brain #medicine #phycologists

I am interested in how and what in the brain makes people react certain ways but i am also interested in law, what career should I follow?
My life is moving, and I cannot think of something that I would love to do everyday as a job unless it contains those two aspects in some way. #psychology #law #lawyer #brain