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Malissa Kagarice’s Avatar

Malissa Kagarice

Sales Executive
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Kansas City, Missouri
3 Answers
7094 Reads
50 Karma

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Owen’s Avatar
Owen Oct 23, 2020 714 views

Are there any high school classes that would help in my pursuit to becoming and electrician?

I am a high school student who is looking at becoming an electrician after graduating. I would like to know if there are any classes you would suggest taking to help me better prepare myself for when I go into the industry? #technology #electrician #high-school

Iqra’s Avatar
Iqra Apr 18, 2020 5563 views

Is there anything you regret not doing in high school/college?

Why didn't you do it and is it something you would recommend others do? #college-advice #college #highschool #highschool-advice #JULY20

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Nov 05, 2020 1643 views

I feel like a total failure. How do I move on from here?

In high school, I got good grades. I graduated with a 3.5 GPA. I got into some great colleges like NYU tisch, Syracuse, Pitt, UConn, PSU, etc. I'm the oldest of 10 kids, and from a poor family. My dads a janitor, and my mom is a waitress. I needed $7k/year to go to pitt (After FAFSA). My...