Career questions tagged general

What are some things I should do in my junior and senior year of highschool that increases my chance of getting into UC’s?
I’m currently a junior in highschool.

What is the best college for digital art path?
Digital art in general or recommend me some paths and colleges for it

would it be more worth it to get a CDL or certification for electrical
What would be more worth it. general contracting and electrical, or general contracting and CDL?

is being a internet researcher easy or hard?
i want to be a fast and powerful internet researcher so what are the perks and benefits and what are the companies that i can apply for

Is a degree in graphic design neccessary to actually become a graphic designer?
I'm currently in my 9th school year in a branche that focuses on design and digitalization but like, I doubt that I'll actually be able to graduate hs because im quite bad in maths and blah blah blah. Graduation isnt exactly needed in austria for a good job but I still prefer to do something I'll actually enjoy doing. I appreciate every answer and I'm thankful that this site exists.

Is John Hopkins University a good school?
John Hopkins sent me a letter recently, and I'm wondering if it's a good school for chemistry-biology-related career paths. I'm currently a 9th grader who's beginning college classes early to graduate with an associate's degree.

What collages are best for me?
I live in Great Barrington MA and was wondering what collages are good for me. I like science, somewhat math and gym. Im pretty interested in engineer or manager and was wondering what collages are good for that.

What are some good small jobs in Great Barrington that I could work at from a young age?
I'm twelve right now, I was hoping I could find a job when I'm fourteen to afford an apartment when I'm older. I was hoping for a job that I could for after school and on the weekends.

I need to know how to relate with other people well to have better relationship

can i start learning programming if i have not good in math?
can i start learning programming if i have not good in math?

can i learning anything on youtube for free?
can i learning anything on youtube for free?

How do i study for high school?
Im a tenth grader so this is my first year and I'm struggling in math right now I have a 67 which is the worst I've ever done. I don't know how to study I'm just looking for some tips! thank you!

Should I start learning how to drive and and save up for drivers ed?
I am a sophomore in highschool and I am 16 and I was wondering if I should wait to get my licenses or work on getting it now. I want to become a surgeon so I am also saving up for that

What’s it like to become a Physicians assistant
What major did you complete to become PA?

Should I retake my SAT if I got a 1380 on it?
I will most likely go to a college in Florida (University of central Florida or University of Florida). I also want to major in a science.

My Question For Theme Park Entertainment
What is it like to work in a theme park in entertainment

What is some advice to start a business?
I’m starting a business with Lela give me advice.

What's the one simple habit that enhances all aspects of life?
I mean how does adopting that one habit positively impact mental, physical, and financial well-being?