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Sandy Kaur’s Avatar

Sandy Kaur

Project Manager
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
2 Answers
3081 Reads
2 Karma

Active Locations

Austin’s Avatar
Austin Nov 10, 2020 769 views

Is it appropriate to negotiate job offers and ask for raises during COVID-19? Many companies are struggling during COVID-19. Is is disrespectful to ask for raises?

#GivingisCaring #CaringisGiving #negotiations #first-job

Salma’s Avatar
Salma May 06, 2020 2813 views

What can I do to make money?

Hello! I have been thinking and got an idea to sell something for some money. I am not sure what I would like to sell or do to make some money. If there is any ideas that you guys have, please let me know and any tips that you guys can give me that would be great! Just to remind you guys, I am...