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Beth Derrick’s Avatar

Beth Derrick

Marketing Consultant
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Flower Mound, Texas
2 Answers
2773 Reads
1 Karma

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J'Kory’s Avatar
J'Kory Jan 17, 2018 818 views

School choice based on part-time work opportunity.

I have been working as a teller for a credit union since I was 16. I am now a high school senior and my employer will allow me to work part-time while I attend school full-time in the IT Dept. Would it be irresponsible to attend college out of town and miss out on the opportunity to gain IT...

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Dec 01, 2020 2225 views

What are some other career options for physics majors besides high school physics teacher?

I'm planning to take more lab courses involving optics, lasers, and coding simulations, but I learned that I definitely don't want to pursue a career in software. I love doing research and am applying to summer internships at national labs. Any other suggestions would be appreciated! #careers...