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Tammy Vo’s Avatar

Tammy Vo

Risk Assurance & Deals Risk Senior Associate
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Lynnfield, Massachusetts
2 Answers
6724 Reads
1 Karma



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Noe’s Avatar
Noe Dec 18, 2020 838 views

How do I know I am doing the right career choice?

There is so many career choices that I would like to do but in the end I will have to choose one to pursue so how do I know that I will make the right choice and not regret it? #career-path #career-advice

grace’s Avatar
grace Dec 17, 2020 5927 views

I'm a marketing major in my 3rd year - but I loved my accounting class! How do I know which to major in?

I am currently a third year student in marketing. I switched to marketing at the beginning of my third year, so the business classes were knew to me. I will be graduating late. I took accounting 1 this fall and I absolutely loved it - which is weird for me to say. I didn't know anything about...