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Augusta, Georgia
2 Questions
116 Karma

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Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Oct 29, 2022 339 views

Is a job in academia possible for someone who is disabled?

I am a disabled veteran going into Biological Anthropology, and I plan to be involved in academia for a while. I have heard people talking about how much pressure grad students and untenured professors are under to perform. My main concern is that my disabilities (which are mostly invisible but...

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Dec 10, 2020 1093 views

What is a good second major to complete with Forensic Anthropology?

I plan on completing a BS in Anthropology, MS in Forensic Anthropology, and continuing on to complete a PhD in Anthropology at BU. What would be a good complementary second major for my undergrad degree to broaden my career choices? I would like to keep my options open in case I decide to...