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Keana Anderson’s Avatar

Keana Anderson

Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Southfield, Michigan
12 Answers
10906 Reads
1 Karma

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vasharra’s Avatar
vasharra Apr 02, 2019 1559 views

How did you become interested in the field ?

#medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

rashanae’s Avatar
rashanae Apr 26, 2019 789 views

Is cna good/

#nurse #nursing #health #healthcare

Kenyanna’s Avatar
Kenyanna Sep 01, 2017 1484 views

What is a good career in healthcare that helps people?

I'm currently undecided.
#Help #LookingForwardToCollege #healthcare #health #hospital-and-health-care

Faith’s Avatar
Faith Aug 03, 2018 1426 views

What are some worthwhile minors to pair with communications?

I would like to go into editing, and I am interested in something technical as a minor, potentially applied math or computer sciences. However, I simply have no idea as to whether either will be useful in my field of choice.

#minors #communications #publishing #career #editor #editing

Jade’s Avatar
Jade Oct 29, 2020 620 views

For people who are a sports psychologist, If I were interested in pursuing your career, what classes do you think I should be taking in high school? What extracurricular activities should I pursue?

#friends #work #everyone #ap #career #exams #medicine #health #healthcareers #sportcareers #healthsportcareers #healtheducation #psychology #sportpsychology #healthbusiness #sportmedicine #mental-health #counseling
#sportpsychologist #careers

Kira’s Avatar
Kira Oct 28, 2020 640 views

What does an average day in your profession typically look like?

I am majoring in International Studies with the goal of doing humanitarian aid through potentially the UNHCR, Doctors Without Borders, or Peace Corps. #professional #international #humanitarian #UN #PeaceCorps #DoctorsWithoutBorders

Kimberly’s Avatar
Kimberly Apr 10, 2019 926 views

How do you shadow a career?

I've been looking on how to shadow a business career. I want to go in either marketing or communications for a major and want to shadow someone to see if I would like the job. I live in Los Angeles so I feel like there'd be a lot of business workers near me but I don't know how to contact them....

Effie’s Avatar
Effie Jun 11, 2020 2225 views

Can I work in comms fields (marketing, pr, etc.) with a Bachelor's in neuroscience?

I'm really intrigued with this subject and riveted to learn more to satisfy my curiosity. However, I can't see myself doing either research based or medical based jobs. I'd like to delve into the creative industry such as Marketing, Advertising and Design. Since there are bootcamps and...

Kania’s Avatar
Kania Mar 21, 2018 1812 views

My biggest strength is patience, how can this be more effective in the medical field ?

#medical-research #medical-practice #career #medicine

Raquel’s Avatar
Raquel Sep 19, 2019 887 views

How do i ask my job for good insurance?

how do i get insurance at my work place #job-search #business #career #job

Marie’s Avatar
Marie May 14, 2020 842 views

What are different types of medical jobs

#doctor #medical #nursing #medical-school

Vanisha’s Avatar
Vanisha Aug 21, 2020 491 views

What is the student medical insurance coverage and what is the cost to students?
