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Brigham City, Utah
2 Questions
132 Karma

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Emma’s Avatar
Emma Dec 21, 2020 744 views

whats the best way to prepare myself to teach? and be confidant in it?

I'm a student at box elder high. I like the idea of becoming a teacher. I enjoy and also am considering teaching astronomy, earth science, or even science in general. I do struggle being confidant when I am describing things to others which is kinda a big deal sense that's a big part of the...

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Dec 21, 2020 569 views

why should I not want to be a teacher

I'm a student a box elder high in Utah. I'm interested in the idea of teaching earth science, science in general, art maybe, but most of all astronomy! The ages I'm thinking of teaching are around 6th up till high school. #teacher #astronomy