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jesse martin’s Avatar

jesse martin

Verizon/USN Reserves
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
Rome, New York
5 Answers
4283 Reads
11 Karma

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Lilly’s Avatar
Lilly Dec 03, 2020 2165 views

Do you regret choosing to enlist in the military

I am an intelligent individual with the ability to get into many prestigious universities, but recently I have been wanting to enlist in the military. I want to enlist in the navy, and hopefully become a navy SEAL. I do realize that it is a long shot, especially considering I am a female and...

Javen’s Avatar
Javen Dec 21, 2020 781 views

What does it take to become a roofer

I am in high school and trying to start my own business in roofing. What steps do I need to take to get to that stage. #Roofer #Construction #high-school

Frankie’s Avatar
Frankie Nov 05, 2020 599 views

What kind of Field of work would i do better in?

I'm a senior, I have taken three construction classes along side with two classes of auto mechanics I excelled in both. To me personally I'm more of a hands on worker and would like to see the possible outline of jobs that I could be interested in going in to. #construction

weston’s Avatar
weston Jul 25, 2019 607 views

i am a jobcore student and im seeking helpful tips or cocerns about the field of cement masonry?

1. is cement masonry a growing occupation? 2. is there equal growth opportunities for cement masons? 3. what are some negative things about this job field and positive things? #CementMasonry #Construction

Chance’s Avatar
Chance May 23, 2019 668 views

What is the most rewarding aspect of Brickmasonry?

Basically, I want to know exactly what makes it feel so enjoyable and worthwhile. Is it the fact of heavy working? Is it the calculating? Is it being able to move heavy things often?
