Kevin Martin
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How do I make money as a musician?
How can I start a career as a musician? I want to perform live and have a fanbase, how do I do that and make money from it? I've been interested in music and singing for most of my life and have always loved performing and I think that's what I want to do.

Where can I find jobs in music video production, particularly on set? I am looking for an entry level job, production based. Are there any job sites or production companies in the NYC area?
I looked through showbiz jobs, entertainment careers, google jobs, and linkedin and I cant seem to find jobs related to music video production.

Fastest way to enter music industry?
Self taught motivated music producer #music-production #music-industry #music

Music Production Tools?
For a music producer at the beginners level, what would you recommend as a "starter pack"? What kits, software, drum pads, music packs and etc. would you recommend #music-production #music #music-performance

what got you where you are today in your feild of work?
Hello my names Thomas, I'm interested in joining the game development career and like to get more advice and tips on how someone further up in the chain? #video-games #gaming #video-game-design #career

is it fun to play hard songs
I really like music it is one of my favorite hobbies and it would be really educational to learn hard songs#MusicArtist #music-production #singer #music-industry #college

Can i go to a fine arts college after getting my bachelors in finance?
I'm going to the University of Pittsburgh in the fall for a finance degree because I had it implanted in my brain that i would go and get a bachelors in finance, go to medical school, and be some sort of physicians assistant. Now that i'm getting older and starting to have some self...

What video editing programs do you use?
I am a film major and am looking for software that is affordable but also heavy duty #video-production #video-editing #music-video

What would I need to do to learn how to edit and create my own beats?
I want to become a musician or producer and just want to know how I get there. There's nothing really else to know about me. #music #music-production #producer #sound-editing

How do you decide what major to go into?
It would be a shame to invest in a career that you ended up loathing in the long run. How can I avoid this without having first hand experience? #music-production #broadcast-journalism #music-performance

What is personal Branding ? Where should I start ?
I understand that personal branding is building a professional identity for yourself ? But how do you start ? it feels like there is so much to it that can be overwhelming so how can I start this process without making it more stressful than it should be ?

how do i get notice by record label company
hi my name joseph and i go to madison park i am in the 11th grade and i really love music and i want to start by having my music shared with the whole world and i need some help with getting notice by any record label company #music