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Boston, Massachusetts
2 Questions
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Kiara Mar 26, 2017 2034 views

For a aspiring Orthodontist/Dentist what course would be reasonable to take, AP Stat or Pre-Calcu?

Today we were given our course registration for next year, which will be my senior year in high school. I'm currently in Algebra II and have the option of taking either AP Statistics or Pre-Calculus H next year. What would you recommend for an aspiring Orthodontist or Dentist? I know that...

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Kiara Apr 13, 2016 2553 views

Is being am orthodontist a job for people who may be shy? If it's not a good fit, what careers in the dentistry field might better suit me?

Hi, I am a 10th grade student from Boston Collegiate Charter School in Boston and I am interested in becoming an orthodontist when I graduate. #dentistry #orthodontist #personality