Career questions tagged orthodontist

What are some things I should do in the first two years of college to prepare for dental school? What activities/extracurriculars look best on resumes for dental admissions?
Things that can be done while taking classes

I am trying to become a orthodontist or dentist in the future, i am a sophomore in high school and wondering if there’s anything i can start doing now to help me be successful in achieving my goal. ?
I love science and heard that it is relevant in the dentistry industry

How do stand out in dental school?
What is the best way for a sophomore in high school to stand out when getting into dental school. I want to either be a dentist or orthodontist. I want to job shadow but don’t know how to reach out. Also, is there anything else that would deem me a good fit. My school doesn’t have many advanced science classes. Ex: No AP classes.

What classes should I take to become a dentist?
What classes should I take as a sophomore to make me successful. I would love to go into health sciences (dentistry/ortho)

What is the path I should take in college to become an orthodontist volunteer and classes wise? What skills should a person who wants to go into this field need or should posses ?
I am going to be a freshman in college. I like science classes

Questions for an orthodontist?
1.)What made you want to choose orthodontics? 2.)What kind of challenges did you face during your path of being an orthodontist? 3.)What helped you to overcome obstacles during your way to becoming an orthodontist? 4.)How did you manage to balance your work life with your personal life? 5.)What would you recommend for others who want to join your work field? 6.)How did you prevent burnout from work and set boundaries? 7.)How could I communicate more effectively? 8.)What areas did you improve on most and what should others do in their weak areas? 9.)What can you recommend for the well being of other people? 10.)How did you handle things that set you back in your work? 11.)What would you recommend for any personal development? 12.)How did you handle situations with your boss? 13.)What do you wish you had known before you became an orthodontist? 14.)What makes someone successful in your field? 15.)What is the work environment like in your work field? 16.)What concerns did you have during your career?

I want to become an Orthodontist and I was thinking about getting a Dental Hygienist (BS) and the later pursuing an Orthodontist. What would be the best way to enter this type of field and where should I start as a High School student?
I'm a junior in high school and my biggest dream is to become a orthodontist but i'm not sure the steps to take in order to achieve my dream.

how is college? whats th ebst major
how is college?how is college?how is college?how is college?how is college?how is college?how is college?how is college?how is college?how is college?how is college?how is college?how is college?how is college?how is college?how is college?

What classes should I take in high school if I dream of becoming an orthodontist?
I want to make sure I take the right classes in order to be accepted into the right college.

What specifically do I need to start doing from my sophomore year to begin my path on becoming an Orthodontist??
What classes would you recommend I take from now until college/university? How many years did it take to become and orthodontist or an oral surgeon?

How do you become an orthodontist?
I am a freshman in high school, I want to be an orthodontist when I grow up, and I want to know the process. Thanks

What do you all learn while in dentristy school? How did dentistry school make you feel, or did it make you wanna be in the field more?
I am currently in 11th grade in high school. I’ve been set on being in the dentistry field for about. 6 years now. But I am very scared if I’m gonna end up giving it up if it’s too challenging.

What is the worst part of becoming a orthodontist?
Hey I’m a middle school student in Arizona I’m interested in becoming an orthodontist. I was wanting to know what it was like on day a day basis being an orthodontist? What are the challenges you have faced in the career?

What do you do on a daily as an Orthodontist?
what do the days look like as a orthodontist

What should I major in to someday become an Orthodontist?
what path do I take to become a orthodontist

I really want to become an orthodontist when I grow up. How can I prepare now for the future? What tips do you have?
As a 7th Grade student, I'm pretty lost on the topic of preparing for my future.

Hello, my name is Jaslyne and I'm a current high school student. For one of my classes, I would like to interview an orthodontist or an anesthesiologist about their job using 5 questions that I listed below. If anyone could answer these questions, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much.
1) Have you ever considered other careers while studying to be an anesthesiologist? 2) How much competition from other peers did you face working for this job? 3) Were you ever convinced that you wouldn’t make it to where you are now? 4) How happy are you with your work/life balance? 5) What is your favorite and least favorite part of your work life?

Orthodontists / Orthodontist assistants
Hello! My name is Emily and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the orthodontist field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of some questions that I am curious about in this profession. 1. What profession did you choose? Why? 2. How many years of college did you go through? 3. What jobs did you work on before you landed your present professional job?

Name what you love about this career and what you dislike about it (if any).?
Hi i am Esmeralda and at my school we are learning about career and i chose orthodontics and i just want to know what you love about yall job and what you dislike about it (if any).

can I major in dental hygiene and take biology & when completed I will have what I need to apply for dental school to be an orthodontist ?
Also if I complete school for the dental hygiene is that considered being an undergraduate ?

What do i major in to be an orthodontist?
What do I major in if I want to be an orthodontist? Like if I wanted to can I major in dental hygienist to be an orthodontist ? If not what am I able to major in ?

What are some benefits of becoming an Orthodontist?
I am currently conducting a research paper for my English class on our future careers. I plan to go to school to become an orthodontist. So this would give me a glimpse into the dental and orthodontics world. To assure me if this is the job career I really want to go to school to pursue.

What is it like to work as an orthodontist?
Is it hard? How much do you get paid? Would you get paid more if you ran your own orthodontic office?

How do I become an Orthodontist?
How many years of college to I need to become an Orthodontist? What degrees do I need to become an Orthodontist? Around how much is college going to cost?

What does it take to be an orthodontist?
What are the essentials to becoming an orthodontist? What are some steps I can take to learn more and increase my chances in being in this field?