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Brad Norris

Supply chain planner
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
College Station, Texas
2 Answers
4884 Reads
1 Karma

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Tori ’s Avatar
Tori May 19, 2016 1114 views

If I become an elemantary teacher, how much teaching freedom will I have?

I am asking this questions because if I become a teacher I want to be a teacher that has class outside sometimes. I want kids to learn in a fun, hands on way. This is one of the main reason I want to be a teacher and it would be great to know now if I will be able to do things like this. #education

Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy May 12, 2020 4759 views

What's a good coding language to start with?

It's part of my major, I want to start now learning it, so it will be easy to understand when classes open again?

#computer #major #information-technology #technology #computer-software #coding #codingcamp #bootcamp #COVID19 #career #college #student