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Lorena becerra’s Avatar

Lorena becerra

Los Angeles, California
3 Answers
2136 Reads
1 Karma

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Richard’s Avatar
Richard Aug 14, 2018 945 views

How can I make the transition to college easier as an incoming first-gen college student?

#student #firstgen

Jordan Michael’s Avatar
Jordan Michael Jan 16, 2018 1170 views

Is it a good idea to change college for junior and senior year?

I have an opportunity to work in my field if I am willing to transfer to another school 5 hours away from where I am now.

#political-science #college #college-transfer #transfer

seth’s Avatar
seth Aug 07, 2016 1009 views

does what school you go to matter much when looking for a job?

i have 2 options of either transferring to UTSA or Texas A&M. everyone is telling me to go to texas a&m since its a well know school and will look good for getting a job. #school #college-transfer