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Shirel Aktoun’s Avatar

Shirel Aktoun

Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Dublin, County Dublin
3 Answers
1739 Reads
2 Karma

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Deonte’s Avatar
Deonte Jan 09, 2019 721 views

What is the Salary for the position I am seeking?

What is the Salary for the position I am seeking which is Flight Attendant? #salary #flight-attendant #airlines #airlines-industry

Naif’s Avatar
Naif Feb 19, 2021 480 views

How to create a successful business

#teaching how to successful business

Olivea’s Avatar
Olivea Feb 12, 2017 1302 views

How do I narrow my search focus for jobs?

I'm not sure what kind of job that I'm qualified to do since I have no work experience? Should I apply to any job that interests me? It seems like all the intern jobs are for college students and I am a high school student looking for a summer job. #student #job-search #first-job #summer-jobs...