Lorri Dillman
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What are some good job options for college students?
I'm not in college yet, but I'd like some ideas for a few years from now when I do go to college. Also, what should I look for in job while I'm still in school, whether it's highschool or college? I'm planning to apply for jobs this summer, but I've never done this before and don't want to go...

What courses should I take in highschool to get a job in the medical field? (nurse, surgeon, doctor, etc.)
I'm a freshman in highschool and I want to make sure I choose the right courses in gr. 11 and 12 so I can possibly get a job in the medical field. #highschool #medical #nurse #surgeon #doctor #courses #surgery #professionals #medecine

How to improve spanish skills if there are few native speakers in my area?
I have been studying and learning Spanish since Kindergarten and am reaching a point that requires true interaction with native speakers to improve further. I regularly read the news in Spanish and as a result my reading skills are quite good but my speaking and listening skills are...

What are some study tips you would have for a college student. #student #love nursing
Need help with studying #student #love-of-science