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Jesse Stank’s Avatar

Jesse Stank

2 Answers
1583 Reads
1 Karma
Marco’s Avatar
Marco Jan 28, 2021 1126 views

How do I network?

I know that when I go to college it is going to be important to be active in my major (activities/clubs/organizations) but how exactly do I go about reaching out to people that might be able to help me advance my career? What do I say? For example, I want to be an aerospace engineer... where do...

Daksh’s Avatar
Daksh Feb 16, 2021 620 views

What are some decent jobs right now that i can do to support my family?

I have a good hand in baking and cooking also have a passion for dog training as a career in the future have some knowledge about video editing but have very poor grades and cannot concentrate on school at all especially in this online age #career #jobs