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Ryan Nutting’s Avatar

Ryan Nutting

Program Manager
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Westminster, Massachusetts
7 Answers
7181 Reads
1 Karma

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karunya’s Avatar
karunya Jan 05, 2021 1365 views

How Can I learn Python?

#employee-training #kerala #python #coding

daniel’s Avatar
daniel Mar 25, 2019 713 views

Do you need a Degree to be a Mechanic?

Iv'e seen so many mechanics in my town that don't have a degree and just get a job as one. Is it possible to just get hired in a shop? #engineering #technology

Caleb’s Avatar
Caleb Sep 20, 2019 682 views

what steps would you reccomend I take to prepare to enter this field.

I really like to build and put computer together

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jan 24, 2018 1319 views

How should I choose the right job for me in the field of Meteorology?

I am interested in pursuing a meteorology degree in college. However, there is a wide range of jobs and applications in this field, and I don't know how to narrow my choices down. What jobs are there, how do they differ, and how do I know which one is for me? #meteorology #meteorologist...

Susan’s Avatar
Susan Oct 30, 2016 5103 views

What careers can someone with a computer science degree get that allows them to work with animals?

I love to work with animals, but I have decided that getting a degree in computer science would be best for my future. Is there any career available that will allow me to work with both? #veterinary #animals #computers #computerscience

Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah May 27, 2016 923 views

What's the most efficient way to find the best career for me?

As an incoming College freshmen, I have still not chosen my intended major. It seems that everyone around me knows what they want to do, but I have no earthly idea as everything sounds interesting to me. I was wondering if there were any tips for me to find a career path that best suits me....

Sam’s Avatar
Sam Feb 01, 2021 713 views

Is there any career programs that relate to retail or video game designing

I want to try more than just retail #video-games #career-options