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4 Questions
276 Karma

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Zoe Oct 12, 2016 1447 views

Should I pursue the Marketing and Information Systems degree?

I've reached the point in my academic career wherein I must make a choice. I'm applying for transfer, and I have to choose my concentration for my major. I am very apprehensive and scared in making the choice. I am a business major and am presently taking some more business-oriented courses:...

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Zoe Apr 21, 2016 2185 views

What careers can an individual with a business degree choose from if they're primarily interested in entertainment and tourism?

Hello! I wanted to know if there were any people out there who might be able to give me some insight on how it is working in entertainment/ tourism as a business major. What is your title? How did you get there? What were some of your past titles? What could a business major do working at an...

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Zoe Apr 09, 2016 1469 views

If I pursue a business degree, but also want a communications degree to immerse me into a desired career environment, which communications degree should I pursue?

I am a college freshman. I don't have a definitive answer for what I want to do for the rest of my life. A business degree has a lot of versatility and flexibility. I also want to major (or minor) in communications to compliment my business degree. By obtaining both degrees, I hope to be more...

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Zoe Apr 09, 2016 1379 views

I want to be in a certain career environment (entertainment/tourism), but also want to have the option of working with businesses. What type of communications degree should I choose?

I am a college freshman. I don't have a definitive answer for what I want to do for the rest of my life. A business degree has a lot of versatility and flexibility. I also want to major (or minor) in communications to compliment my business degree. By obtaining both degrees, I hope to be more...