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3 Questions
144 Karma

Valerie’s Career Goals

I want to have a career in the fashion industry. I'm not sure what career, but I'm trying to figure it out.


Valerie’s Avatar
Valerie Feb 23, 2021 813 views

What career should I do in the fashion industry if I want to do a fashion line but I'm not a designer?

I want to have my own fashion line and influence fashion and be very known. I want to make it to the top of the industry. But, I'm not a designer. I'm not interested in designing, but how do I have my own fashion line without being a designer for it? And if possible any high school classes or...

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Valerie Feb 23, 2021 804 views

What should I do in highschool to prepare me for the fashion industry?

I am a junior in highschool interested in pursuing a career in fashion. I am not sure what career I want, but I want to be prepared for the industry. #fashion-design #fashion #merchandising #apparel-and-fashion

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Valerie Feb 23, 2021 4139 views

What High School classes should I take to be in the fashion industry? And what AP classes?

I am a junior in highschool interested in pursuing a career in fashion. I am not sure what career I want, but I want to be prepared for the fashion industry. #fashion-design #apparel-and-fashion #merchandising #fashion-shows #fashion-design #apparel-and-fashion