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Nolan’s Avatar


Boston, Massachusetts
3 Questions
142 Karma

Nolan’s Career Goals

I either want to be involved with government or be involved in business and finance.

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Nolan’s Avatar
Nolan Feb 24, 2021 1198 views

What are the best AP courses to take in high school?

I am only in the 10th grade, but I can take AP classes next year. I just want to know the best, and worst, AP courses. #ap #high-school

Nolan’s Avatar
Nolan Feb 24, 2021 557 views

What can someone do with a business major?

I don't know if I want to be involved in business yet, but it is definitely an option for my future. #college-majors

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Nolan Feb 24, 2021 1448 views

What major should someone who wants to be involved in politics pursue?

I am in the 10th grade and still deciding what I want to do for a career when I am older. I either want to be involved with politics or in the business world. I am just wondering what the most popular majors are for someone with a goal of becoming involved in politics and government. #politics...