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Nevada, Missouri
3 Questions
207 Karma

Maddi’s Career Goals

I want to be a forensic pathologist and perform autopsies



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Maddi’s Avatar
Maddi Feb 26, 2021 1465 views

What are some good job options for college students?

I'm not in college yet, but I'd like some ideas for a few years from now when I do go to college. Also, what should I look for in job while I'm still in school, whether it's highschool or college? I'm planning to apply for jobs this summer, but I've never done this before and don't want to go...

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Maddi Feb 26, 2021 1559 views

How do I apply for scholarships, and where can I find them?

I come from a low income family and want to go to medical school... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit worried about the cost. I really want to go somewhere out of state (not sure where yet, I just want out of Missouri), but I know that will be more costly. Where can I find...

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Maddi Feb 26, 2021 1228 views

What are the best colleges for forensic pathology, and what should I major in once I get there?

I'm currently a Sophomore and want to go into forensic pathology, but I'm not sure where I should be looking to apply to. I know I need to be looking for colleges with good medical fields, but there's so many different choices that it gets overwhelming. I should probably mention that I'm queer...